LINGUASKILL: the new Cambridge ONLINE test. Examine yourself from your home !!

Linguaskill is an online adaptive English test designed by CAMBRIDGE to assess the level of English of a candidate or a group of candidates, offering very fast and precise results, including detailed reports of all the chosen skills: Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. It is valid to certify ONLINE levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C1 +. This tool is the ideal solution in the field of higher education or in the company. It is used in Personnel Selection, Erasmus, Masters, Graduations … if you need to quickly certify your level of English this is your solution. In 48 working hours you have all the results. Our system allows you to choose the date of your exam yourself. We have online calls from home every day from Monday to Friday included, in the morning and afternoon.

We are Official Linguaskill Cambridge Agent number ES965. We put all our experience and our online courses live to make you raise your level quickly and get the best grades in each module of the official Linguaskill exam. We offer you an incredible team of specialized teachers and our own platform to help you improve your English like never before.



Examen Linguaskill desde casa

Curso AUTO APRENDIZAJE 10 horas - 69 euros

Aprende la estructura del examen Linguaskill para sacar el máximo provecho a tus diferentes destrezas en el idioma inglés. Conoce cómo está diseñado el examen, que partes lo conforman, la manera en que se valora tu nivel y cómo enfrentarte al examen sacando lo mejor de tus conocimientos. Este es un curso de autoaprendizaje que dura aproximadamente 10 horas.

Curso preparacion Reading and Listening b1 Linguaskill


Elaborado por los mejores profesores nativos de Cambridge, este es un curso intensivo para la mejora de las destrezas del módulo Reading and Listening de cualquier candidato al examen Linguaskill que quiera certificar un nivel B1. Este curso está específicamente diseñado para MEJORAR las habilidades del candidato, pero no incide sobre la estructura del examen oficial de Cambridge Linguaskill.

Curso online one to one

Curso ONLINE ONE-TO-ONE SKILLS PACK con profesor EN DIRECTO 5 horas - 175 euros

5 horas de preparación super-intensiva con un preparador de exámenes oficiales. El curso está diseñado para preparar de manera inmediata el examen Linguaskill en aquellos candidatos que no estén cerca del nivel que quieren certificar y tengan ya muy poco tiempo para estudiar.

Curso intensivo ingles

Curso ONLINE PREPARACIÓN LINGUASKILL 40 horas en 2 semanas - 199 euros

2 horas diarias de clase online en directo con un profesor especializado en la preparación de exámenes de Cambridge más otras dos horas diarias de trabajo personal, ejercicios, repaso y estudio en nuestra plataforma.


The science of CAMBRIDGE

    The Linguaskill test has been developed by a group of Cambridge Assessment English specialists and has been tested by speakers of more than 40 languages ​​and 50 different countries to ensure maximum reliability of the results.

    The Linguaskill exam makes use of artificial intelligence to adapt the tests to the different levels and skills related to the English language. In order to be able to examine you comfortably from home, a remote surveillance system specially developed for these online tests will supervise the entire exam and deliver to our staff all possible incidents that occurred during your test.

    The Linguaskill test certifies your level very precisely, and thanks to this monitoring software you can belong to the entire set of official English certifications from the University of Cambridge.

Linguaskill Advantages? You examine yourself from home any day of the week and you have the complete results in 48 working hours !!


If you need to prove a B1 / B2 level of English to access an Erasmus program, use Linguaskill, the new Cambridge English test to have your results in 48 hours

Postgraduate Masters

Accurate and fast English level certificate to access a Master of any kind with Linguaskill

Staff pick

Linguaskill provides accurate reports on candidates’ English language skills

Higher education

Linguaskill provides an efficient way to assess English levels in the admission process of Higher Education Institutions and is accepted as level certification by most Universities

Easy to manage

The online test is administered very easily ONLINE at any time you want. All you need is a computer, internet access and a quiet room

Flexible and adaptable test

The Linguaskill test is modular and it is possible to choose the certification of the skills that interest

Results in 48 hours

Results are generated within 48 hours and are immediate for the READING and LISTENING module

Companies: Linguaskill General and Linguaskill Business

Dos opciones del test Linguaskill disponibles dependiendo de si el puesto requiere un inglés de diario o con características idiomáticas específicas.

Linguaskill: faster is impossible

Linguaskill is an online test and has a maximum duration of two and a half hours.

  • 60-85 minutes for Reading and Listening.
  • 45 minutes for Writing.
  • 15 minutes for Speaking.

Linguaskill … for whom?

  • OPPONENTS: Linguaskill is recognized as linguistic accreditation in different competitive examinations of bilingual teaching staff in different autonomous regions
  • UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: Linguaskill serves to demonstrate the level required to graduate from a University and is recognized by the vast majority of them
  • EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: to assess language levels on admission by using Linguaskill when knowledge of English is necessary
  • COMPANIES: Linguaskill is useful to ensure that candidates have the appropriate language skills for the position offered by any company

Test modules


DURATION: 60-85 minutes.

  • ADVANCED (C1-C1 +)

Module 2: WRITING

DURATION: 45 minutes in two parts

All answers are entered using the keyboard of a computer.

Module 3: SPEAKING

DURATION: 15 minutes

The module of oral expression (SPEAKING) is carried out by computer with microphone and loudspeakers.

Linguaskill exam PRICES

  • LINGUASKILL 1 MODULE: 65 euros
  • LINGUASKILL 2 MODULES: 100 euros

ONLINE registration

Use the «ENROLL HERE» button at the top or bottom of this page to formalize your registration in the Linguaskill exam from home with the desired skills. You can register up to 2 working days before the test date in the EXPRESS format. And in 48 working hours after finishing the exam … your official Cambridge certified results !!

What advantages does Linguaskill offer me?

  • The official report is available in 48 working hours and you will be able to know the levels of 3 of the 4 skills in the same day
  • You can repeat a module to raise the grade if you need it
  • We offer different calls every month
  • It is recognized by the CRUE and ACLES entities for Erasmus, University Degree and Masters
  • It is a recognized exam to add points or merits in secondary school exams
  • You complete all the tests in 2 hours and 25 minutes, all by computer, in a safe and agile exam
  • You always receive an accreditation of the actual level of your skills. There are no failures or approved
  • There is no limit of opportunities to achieve your goal
  • Improve your resume because it is internationally recognized

What are the differences between traditional Cambridge and Linguaskill qualifications?

One test is not a substitute for the other. A traditional Cambridge English qualification, that is, preparing for the KET, PET, First or Advanced of the Cambridge English Qualifications is the best option to develop your level of English to the maximum and to be able to demonstrate your command of the language. Preparing these exams requires hard work (at least 40 hours of classes) and entails a significant improvement in the student’s level of English, usually focused on long-term or very intensive courses, and with highly specialized teachers in the preparation of the exam. Linguaskill serves as a test to quickly and accurately demonstrate the current level in the chosen skills of a student or candidate for a job. Faster is IMPOSSIBLE.

Linguaskill test de inglés

Linguaskill Cambridge

How does Linguaskill work from home?

Linguaskill from home works using an application that you will have to install on your computer, using the Chrome browser and the WINDOWS environment. Remember that the Linguaskill test from home actually works in a MAC environment.

Before the start of the test, the surveillance system will take some photos of your face to create a facial profile, which the application will use during the exam and in this way you will be registered in the system. If during the test you make any strange movements, try to leave the exam environment, open other programs, browse the Internet or if any other person enters the room where the test is being carried out, the system will notify you that it has detected a anomaly, and will also record all these incidents in a detailed report that will then be reviewed by Enseñalia.


Is it safe?

It is completely safe. The examination surveillance is done using software based on artificial intelligence that is responsible for informing the exam center about your behavior. In this way, we will guarantee the same degree of security and prestige that all other Cambridge degrees enjoy.

Requirements that your computer and your environment must meet

Obviously you have to meet some requirements to be able to take the official Linguaskill exam at home, which ACTUALLY WORKS IN MAC ENVIRONMENTS.

Computer (can be laptop or desktop)

  •      Windows 8 or higher
  •      Webcam at least 512kbps internet speed
  •      At least a 13 ″ screen with a minimum resolution of 1280px x 720px
  •      SUMADI App installed (we will send you the link of the application)
  •      Google Chrome browser

            ATTENTION *: Tablets and mobile phones are not acceptable and will not be used for the examination.

Internet connection (preferably fiber optic)

Have a web browser installed (it can be Google Chrome or Firefox)

Headphones with microphone (essential for Speaking and Listening tests)

Webcam or camera built into the computer if it is portable (essential for surveillance software)

Room with good light (and without external noises if possible.

Need help?. All our staff is working ONLINE. If you need help, you have us during business hours at 976 22 16 76, 91 217 23 22 and at

Linguaskill exam sessions from home

every day from Monday to Saturday !!

Due to the high demand for certifications and the enormous convenience of being able to take a Cambridge exam on such short notice, the CAMBRIDGE LINGUASKILL tests are performed ONLINE from home every day, from Monday to Friday in morning and afternoon shifts and also on Saturday mornings. We carry out intensive exam preparation courses to achieve the best results on your skills level certificate. If you want to make your registration you just have to press the button below. It will take you to the form where you will fill out your application to take your Linguaskill test from home, and where you will choose the date and time of your online exam. Be careful and fill it in carefully, because these that you are going to give are the data that will appear on your Cambridge certification. Once this form is completed, you will receive an email with the instructions to make the payment by credit card, Paypal or bank transfer. Remember that you will have to be connected from your computer, at least 30 minutes before starting the test.

How is Linguaskill used in recruiting?

Learn about the official Cambridge exams

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